Take a Moment

You have been born with an account filled with all the wealth you will ever have, but you will never know how much it holds. Consider how you care for that resource over your life. Do you agonize over its consumption or spend with unmitigated glee? Most of us seem to forget the resource exists at all and spend with minimal hesitation. Those of us lucky enough may be fortunate to realize the value of the wealth as the balance fades into oblivion.

In a twisted turn of fate, many of us spend our days wishing the balance of our wealth would diminish all the quicker. We spend massive sums of wealth chasing the potential to spend even more in extravagant indulgence. Viewed by an accountant or wealth manager, our spending habits would surely produce a court injunction due to the irresponsibility with which we wield it.

Our wealth lies of course, in the time we have remaining.

In reality, it spends at the same rate regardless of your inclination. But I challenge you to channel that resource in a way which produces the most meaning and value. Give yourself a bit of time to consider how you spend that which cannot be bought. Maybe swap out some low value activities for something more worthwhile. For all the money in the world won’t matter when your time is up.


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