A Tunnel, Not a Cliff

The end of the track comes into view, the horn sounds one final time, and passengers brace for impact.

This might feel like our current circumstance, but I assure you it’s not. Much life yet remains to be lived, much value to be created. You were a functional person before you entered employment, before you assumed your title, and I assure that as an individual, you are more than a role description.

This is not the time for despair or fear, this is a time for inspiration. You are not being robbed of precious identity, you are being liberated from the binds and boxes you were forced to fit within. Open your mind to the possibilities, to consider the potential, the options of a future undefined.

Remember that life is lived in the moment. Savor the relationships, freedom, those truly important. Let go of anticipation, of worry for the future. The future will have its time, do not let it commandeer your present. Without restraint, fear, anxiety, and anticipation will poison your perspective, turn you bitter towards those you love and resentful of the journey that took you here. You must overcome the temptation to languish in these feelings. What message will this send to your friends, coworkers, your family; what value will it offer? It would likely drive them away, poison them as well.

The strongest of us master their own future through looking past supplied structures like job roles and industries. They follow their own values and interests, manifest their own directives, and create structures to serve themselves. Occasionally, the rest of us are offered an opportunity to do the same, to explore outside of boundaries imposed upon us and all to willingly accepted. This is that very opportunity.

You may need to adjust how you see yourself and how others see you. You may need to provide value in different ways. But mostly, you will need to be sensitive to opportunity, to not mistake them for disruptions. Do not cling to an identity, to a structure which has become obsolete. A butterfly which spends its days mourning the loss of its cocoon will never discover it can fly.

Dream and reach for what you value. Take relief in releasing the stresses you were forced to carry. Have faith in your ability to persevere. You did not come this far, to only come this far.